

Date Scrap file from class Notes in notebook format pdf python description
Jan 3, 2014 download download Introduction : Some basic coding
Jan 6, 2014 download download Math functions
Jan 10, 2014 download download Branching and lists
Jan 13, 2014 download download While loops
Jan 17, 2014 download download for and lists
Jan 20, 2014 download download tuples, elif and def(functions)
Jan 24, 2014 download download download download doing computations : summing series, mean, s.d.
Jan 27, 2014 download download download download correlation, bubble sort, input from files
Jan 31, 2014 quiz solution Quiz 1
Feb 03, 2014 download download download download Scope of variable, lambda functions, introduction to plotting
Feb 07, 2014 download download download download More on plotting graphs
Feb 10, 2014 download Introduction to some linear algebra
Feb 14, 2014 download download download download Drawing graphs
Feb 17, 2014 download download download download Matrices, elem. row operations, sweeping w.r.t. a pivot
Mar 03, 2014 download download download download Gaussian elimination I
Mar 07, 2014 download download download download Gaussian elimination II
Mar 14, 2014 download Filenames. Introduction to root finding algorithms
Mar 21, 2014 download download download download Modules; coding root finding algorithms
Mar 22, 2014 download
download download download Introduction to classes; numerical differentiation
Mar 28, 2014 download
download download download Lagrange's Interpolation, trapezoidal method for integration
Apr 4, 2014 download download download download File I/O, String, Dictionaries
Apr 5, 2014 download download download download Random numbers, Monte Carlo techniques
Apr 7, 2014 download download download download Almost last day. Summarizing the course. Simple random number generators, binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers, RSA
Apr 11, 2014 download download download download Class Inheritence; Areas of polygons

Worksheets (for lab sessions)

  1. Week 1
  2. Week 2
  3. Week 3
  4. Week 4
  5. Week 5
  6. Week 6
  7. Week 7
  8. Week 8
  9. Week 9 : Algorithms done in class.
  10. Week 10
  11. Week 11


Quiz 1 solution
Quiz no. Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4 Solution
2 link link link link
3 link link link link
4 link
5 link link link link link
6 link link link link link
Mid Sem link link link link link
End Sem
Python file to generate End Sem Solution
Repeat Exam
Solution to the repeat exam


Practice problems
Practice problems II
Practice problems III