# tuples tuple1 = (2, 4.0, "some", "string", True) print tuple1 str1 = 'This is a \ndouble line. He said, "I\'m hungry"' str2 = "This is a \ndouble line" str3 = """This is a double line""" print str1 print str2 print str3 print "-" * 70 lst = [2, 4.0, "some", "string", True] lst[1] = 6 print lst # This does not work : tuple1[1] = 6 tuple2 = (4,6) # This does not work : tuple2.append(4) tuple1 = (5,) print "tuple1 : ", tuple1 print "sum of tuples", tuple1+tuple2 tuple1 = tuple1 + (7,) print "tuple1 with 7", tuple1 (a, b, c) = (4, 6,7) a, b = 5, 7 print "a + b = ", a+b print tuple1[0] print "*"* 70 # elif n = 4 if n > 0 : print "%d is positive." % n elif n < 0 : print "%d is negative." % n elif n == 0 : print "the number is zero." else : print "I don't like your number." # Nested ifs and elifs (size, wt) = (100, 7) if size > 60 : print "Too big" elif size > 40 : print "Big but I'll let you go if you pay." if wt > 8 : print "Too heavy" else : print "weight is ok." else : print "Perfect bag." if wt > 8 : print "Too heavy" else : print "weight is ok." # defining your own functions def my_exp(x, n) : if n == 0 : power = 1 elif n > 0 : power = 1 for i in range(n) : power *= x else : power = 1.0 for i in range(-n) : power /= x return power print "3 ** -8 =", my_exp(3, -8), 3**-8 #Another definition import math def my_exp2(x, n) : if n == 0 : power = 1 elif n != 0 and x > 0: power = math.exp(n * math.log(x)) elif x == 0 : power = 0 elif x < 0 and n > 0 : print "Cannot find the power." power = None return power print my_exp2(-5, .5)