MTH 102 -- Multivariable Calculus

Instructor: Krishna Kaipa
Office: 446 Academic Building
Office Hours: Walk in any weekday after 3 pm. It may also be convenient to ask questions by email.
Phone: x8162
Timings: Lectures in LHC103 on Tue 4:20-5:20 pm and Wed 9:40-10:40 am.
Tutorials on Fridays 3:10-4:10 pm in LHC 105-108 for batches B1-B4 respectively.

Course Policy and information

  1. There will be an assignment every week except the exam weeks.
  2. There will be 9 quizzes worth 30% weightage in total.
    Each quiz will be 10 min long at the beginning of the tutorial on the following days:
    Jan: 11, 18
    Feb: 1, 8, 15
    March: 8, 22
    April: 5, 12
  3. Mid-term and final examination carry 35% weightage each
  4. Main textbook: Vector Calculus by Susan Jane Colley, 4th ed., Pearson, 2012
    Other reference books
    Vector Calculus, by Marsden and Tromba, 6th ed., W. H. Freeman, 2011.
    Multivariable Calculus by James Stewart, 8th ed., Cengage Learning, 2015.
  5. TA office hours
    B1 Garima Agrawal, agrawal.garima at; Wed 4:20-5:20 pm
    B2 Ravishankar, ravishankar.kapildevyadav at; Thu 11-12 noon
    B3 Prasun Roychowdhury, prasun.roychowdhury at; Mon 5:20-6:20pm
    B4 Kuldeep Singh, kuldip.patel at; Wed 3-4 pm

Notes and Assignments

  • Week 1

  • Week 2

  • Week 3

  • Week 4

  • Week 5

  • Week 6

  • Week 7

  • mid-term exam

  • Week 8

  • Week 9

  • Week 10

  • Week 11

  • Week 12

  • Week 13

  • Week 14

  • final-exam grading key