Ongoing/completed Ph.D. Students
Shuvashree Maity
(Jan., 2024 - Present)
Research: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal maxima
M.Sc. in Applied Geology from Presidency University.
"I love reading fiction novels. As a travel enthusiast, I also enjoy exploring and experiencing diverse cultures.
Kruttika Mohapatra
(Jan., 2022 - Present)
Research: Organic and Sulfide oxidation in river basins
M.Sc. in Geology from Central University of Kerala.
"She is a trained classical dancer, athletic enthusiast, and an ardent reader with a pinch of an explorer."
Achyuth Venugopal
(Aug., 2019 - Present)
PhD: Proterozoic shale Chemistry and ocean redox state
M.Sc. in Applied Geology from Pondicherry University.
"Enjoy listening to western-orchestral and Indian-classical music, and also, occasionally try music composition."

Rakesh Kumar Rout
(Aug., 2019 - Present)
Research: Sulfide oxidation in river basins
M.Sc. in Geology from Banaras Hindu University.
"I like to explore the nature and love to play cricket."
Anupam Samanta
(PhD Awarded; 2016-2022)
Research: Chemical weathering and climate interaction
M.Sc. in Applied Geology from Jadavpur University.
"I have a longer-term interest in photography. Recently, I have started enjoying running."
He is currently pursuing his post-doc research at IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP), Busan, South Korea
Mohd Danish
(PhD Awarded; 2016-2021)
Research: Coastal biogeochemistry
M.Sc in Applied geology from AMU, Aligarh
" I am a professional tennis ball cricketer, and I also enjoy running and cooking."
He is currently pursuing his post-doc research at the University of Haifa, Israel
Ongoing/completed post-doc fellow and BS-MS Student
timelapse Akashi Baruah (Ongoing; Master thesis): Reconstructing paleo-vegetation changes in the Himalaayn river basins using sediment core analysis from teh Bay of Bengal.
timelapse Kankan Roy (Ongoing; Master thesis): Chemical weathering varibility of the Himalayan system during the LGM using Bey of Bengal sediments.
timelapse Debasish Maji (Ongoing; Master thesis): Carbon sequestration by enhanced weathering of basalt and its global significance.
timelapse Samarpan Mahato (Completed (2024); Master thesis): Major elemental chemistry of geothermal springs from the Deccan Traps: Solute sources and Chemical fluxes.
timelapse Raniria Mitra (Completed (2024); Master thesis): Sources and cycling of Vandadium in a coastal lagoon system and the Bay of Bengal.
timelapse Sanket Samal (Completed (2024); Master thesis): Geochemistry of Pranjal Traps from Zanskar region: Implications for petrogenesis and geochemical varibilities.
timelapse Yogesh Kulkarni Ongoing; TARE Fellowship): Geochemical study of a sediment core from the Godavari river mouth.
timelapse K Damodar Rao Completed; PDF): Isotopic study of banded iron formations.
timelapse Mohd Amir (Completed; PDF): Geochemical study of Ganga plain sediments for erosional reconstruction.
timelapse Priyasha Negi (Completed; 2023): Assessing climatic sensitivity of the Himalaya Erosion during the last Glacial-Interglacial cycle.
timelapse Vaishnavi Vitthal Kardile (Completed; 2022): Sediment geochemistry of the Krishna river system: Implications to Weathering pattern and elemental mobility.
timelapse Aswin Pradeep T (Completed; 2017): Chemical Erosion rates of the Peninsular Indian River basins: An inversion approach.
timelapse Ayush Nagar (Completed; 2016): Reconstruction of marine conditions around the Precambrian-Cambrian (Pc-C) boundary using Shale Chemistry.