Dr. Gyana Ranjan Tripathy
Associate Professor
Department of Earth and Climate Science
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411008, India

My research mainly focuses on understanding and quantifying low-temperature aquatic geochemical processes, which includes chemical weathering patterns of river basins from India, Re-Os geochronology of ancient marine organic-rich sediments, and tracing sediment provenances of marine sediments in kiloyear timescales. Towards this, I frequently rely on abundance and distribution of radiogenic isotopes ( 87Sr/86Sr, 187Os/188Os and εNd) and trace elements of geological samples. My current research project aims at assessing role of ion-exchange processes and submarine groundwater discharge in regulating trace elemental inventory of coastal lagoon (Chilika lagoon, India) and large river systems from the tropical region. Click here for more details.