
  1. Plant Biology - Fall Semester (Aug-Nov) - 4 credits.
  2. Applied Plant Biology -Spring Semester (Jan-April) - 3 credits.
  3. Bio - Lab- 121 (Co-teach) - Fall Semester - 2 credits.

Reference books:

  1. Plant Physiology by Taiz & Zeiger
  2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants by Buchanan, Gruissem, & Jones
  3. Plant Growth and Development by Srivastava
  4. Plant Physiology by Salisbury & Ross

Reference journals:

  1. Trends in Plant Science
  2. Current Opinion in Plant Biology
  3. Plant Cell
  4. Plant Physiology
  5. Plant Journal
  6. Plant Molecular Biology
  7. Plant Signaling and Behaviour
  8. Journal of Experimental Botany
  9. Plant Science
  10. Planta


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