Math Integrated Ph.D. Homepage

iPh.D. Courses

The first two years of the iPhD program consists of coursework and writing a Master’s thesis. Here is the minimal credit requirement for each semester.

Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Masters Project Total
19 to 22 19 to 22 12 to 16 12 to 16 14 84

Integrated PhD students must register with a faculty by the end of their first year for their Master's project. IPhD students are expected to register for a combination basic/midlevel courses in their first year and graduate level courses in their second year. Here are the possibilities. Additionally, iphd students can also take topics courses running in any given semester (they are not listed below). In addition to these courses they can also take one reading course (3 credit) each semester.

Fall Courses Spring Courses
Algebra Galois Theory Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Number Theory
Graduate Algebra I Graduate Algebra II
Analysis Measure Theory and Integration
Functional Analysis
Complex Analysis
Graduate Analysis I Graduate Analysis II
Geometry/Topology Algebraic Topology Calculus on Manifolds
Differential Geometry
Graduate Topology I Graduate Topology II
Discrete Mathematics Algorithms Graph theory
Cryptography or Coding theory
Differential Equations/Applicable Mathematics ODE
Stochastic Processes