Information to for admission in the mathematics integrated PhD program 2018 can be found
here .
Candidates interested in the iPhD (integrated program) in Mathematics must appear either for the NBHM 2018 screening test, or the JAM 2018 exam conducted by the IITs.
All applicants must have completed or be in the final year of a Bachelor's degree with good academic record.
Based on the performance in the JAM/NBHM exam, academic performance in the Bachelor's program, and other criteria set by the Institute, prospective
students will be invited to attend the interview at IISER Pune.
All selected candidates will get a monthly stipend of Rs. 10,000 for the first two years, JRF for the third and fourth year, and SRF for the final three years. Students will be encouraged to get external sources of funding after their first two years.
The first two years of the iPhD program consists of coursework and doing a Master’s Project.
All iPHD students after their third year are expected to fulfill some Teaching Assistance (TA) duties. These include conducting tutorial sessions once per week, correcting assignments/exams/quizzes, and helping to set and invigilate exams/quizzes for undergraduate courses. This program will give our PhD students teaching experience, which will be very helpful to them in their future careers.
Integrated PhD students will have to clear the comprehensive exams at the end of two years in order to continue with the program.