Math Ph.D. Homepage

We have active research groups in the following areas of mathematics:

Algebra, Number theory and Representation theory Analysis and Differential equations
  • Algebraic number theory, automorphic forms, L-functions and their spacial values, arithmetic geometry, Motives, Galois representations, analytic number theory, modular forms.
  • Finite group theory, linear algebraic groups, Lie groups and Lie algebras,Representation theory of real, p-adic and adelic groups, cohomology of arithmetic groups.
  • Algebraic K-theory.
  • Elliptic partial differential equations, nonlinear analysis, variational methods, shape optimization.
  • Partial differential equations on Riemannian manifolds.
  • Stochastic differential equations.
  • Complex analysis in several variables.
  • Harmonic analysis on locally symmetric spaces.

Geometry and Topology Discrete mathematics
  • Algebraic geometry, vector bundles, Motivic cohomology, triangulated Catagories, real algebraic geometry.
  • Knot theory, low dimensional topology.
  • Geometric aspects of locally symmetric spaces.
  • Cryptography, combinatorics, algorithms.
  • Statistical designs, software testing.
  • Algebraic geometry coding theory.
  • Spectral graph theory.

Applicable mathematics
  • Probability theory, mathematical finance, dynamic game theory.
  • Queueing theory, stochastic control.
  • Statistical modelling and inference, survival analysis, reliability.

Please visit this page for more information.

List of faculty members

Baskar Balasubramanyam
Associate Professor
Number Theory

Debargha Banerjee
Assistant Professor
Automorphic forms, Galois representations, Langlands program, Arithmetic geometry

Rabeya Basu
Assistant Professor

Chandrasheel Bhagwat
Assistant Professor
Representation theory, Analysis & Geometry of locally symmetric spaces, Number Theory

Mousomi Bhakta
Associate Professor
Elliptic PDE, Nonlinear analysis, Variational methods

Anup Biswas
Associate Professor, Co-Chair: Mathematics
Controlled diffusion, Queueing theory, Large deviation theory, Potential theory

Diganta Borah
Associate Professor
Several Complex Variables

Anisa Chorwadwala
Assistant Professor
Shape optimization problems

Debdip Ganguly
Assistant Professor
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Nonlinear and Geometric Analysis

Anindya Goswami
Associate Professor
Stochastic control, Mathematical finance

Amit Hogadi
Associate Professor, Chair: Mathematics
Algebraic geometry

Krishna Kaipa
Associate Professor
Algebraic Geometric Coding theory

Tejas Kalelkar
Assistant Professor
Low-dimensional topology

Ayan Mahalanobis
Assistant Professor
Public key cryptography, Finite group theory

Soumen Maity
Associate Professor
Combinatorics, Cryptography, Algorithms, Statistical designs, Software testing

Vivek Mohan Mallick
Assistant Professor
Algebraic geometry

Manish Mishra
Assistant Professor
Representation theory of p-adic groups, Langlands Program

Rama Mishra
Associate Professor
Knot theory, Low dimensional topology, Real algebraic geometry

Supriya Pisolkar
Assistant Professor
Number Theory

A. Raghuram
Langlands Program, Representations of p-adic and adelic groups and their associated L-functions.

Anupam Kumar Singh
Associate Professor
Linear algebraic groups, Lie algebra, Central simple algebras and quadratic forms

Kaneenika Sinha
Assistant Professor
Analytic number theory, Arithmetic of modular forms

Steven Spallone
Associate Professor
Representation Theory

Visiting Faculty

Uttara Naik-Nimbalkar
Visiting Faculty
Statistical modeling and inference, survival analysis, reliability

Adjunct Faculty

S A Katre
University of Pune

Sujatha Ramadorai
University of British Columbia
Non-commutative Iwasawa theory