About Me
I am an experimental particle physicist and a member of the CMS Experimental Collaboration at Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN. I joined the physics faculty at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune in April 2014. Just before joining the IISER, I was a postdoctoral research associate at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). I did my PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai. My undergraduate studies were completed at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. I grew up in a small town in Rajasthan, called Kankroli (Rajsamand) where I also completed my school education.
My research interests revolve around understanding the identity and nature of fundamental constituents of the universe.
I study proton proton collisions at high energies (13 TeV at present) delivered by the LHC at CERN, outcome of which are recorded by the CMS Experiment.
Presently, my group is focussed on searching for the new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) of elementary particles to be able to shed light on yet unaswered questions like dark matter, hierarchy problem, and matter-antimatter asymmetry to name a few.
Several extensions of the SM physics e.g. Supersymmetry, Two-Higgs-doublet models, extended neutrino sectors, etc. predict new particles which, if they exist in nature, could be produced and discovered at the LHC.
The CMS detector is a the most powerful "microscope" which allows us to "see" the high energy particles produced at the LHC.
My group is actively working on the state-of-art CMS High Granularity Calorimeter which will be used in the High Luminosity operations of the LHC (HL-LHC), scheduled to commence in 2029.
We are contributing to the studies using small test-bench systems in laboratory and large scale prototype testing using single particle beams at the beam test experiments facilities as the CERN. We are also studying handling of large data rates at the backend of the system.
Machine learning tools have been widely used in data analysis in particle physics in last few decades.
With the recent overall escalation of computing infrastructure and developments in algorithms, we can impressively enhance the information extraction from data, which were unthinkable earlier.
My group is working on developing algorithms for reconstruction of hadronic and electromagnetic showers using graphical neural networks which provide an effective solution for handling of the sparse and irregular data from the detectors.
These low level developments directly improve all other objects likes reconstruction of jets, missing transverse momentum, electrons, muons, and taus which are all important discovery tools at the LHC, and key objects used in new physics searches being pursued in my group.
Along with my quest for finding unnaturalness in the natural world around us, I also hope to transmit my excitement for the physics of elementary particles and fascination for detection techniques to graduate and undergraduate students collaborating with me on various projects.
Recent & ongoing projects
- Searching for new physics in the events containing large missing transverse momentum in a variety of final states comprising multijets, photons + jets; boosted W, Z or H bosons; hadronically or leptonically decaying tau-leptons.
- Developing analysis with low pT-photons for searching for new physics.
- Searching for Higgs EFT parameters using ML techniques like normalizing flow models.
- Perfomance of HGCAL prototype in beam test experiments using pions, electrons and muon beams as well as small test-stands studies in laboratory, improving low level signal calibration using charge injection data.
- Graphical neural networks for energy reconstruction of hadrons and electrons/photons in calorimeters, Deconstructing the sources of improvements in resolution using GEANT4.
- Handling large data rates at data aquisition.
- Particle Flow hadron calibration for the reconstruction of data collected by the CMS & simulation, and machine learning based developments to improve its resolution for Run3 data.
Leadership roles
- Deputy-Spokerperson of IndiaCMS collaboration (Aug 2022-present). The collaboration comprises 15 universities and institutes across the country.
- Co-convener of CMS Supersymmetry physics analysis group (SUSY PAG) (Sep 2018-Aug 2020)
- Co-convener of CMS jets & MET physics object group (JME POG) (Sep 2016-Aug 2018)
- Co-convener of performance studies subgroup of HCAL DPG (Jan 2016-Jul 2016)
- Co-convener of inclusive searches for supersymmetry at CMS (SUS PAG) (Jan 2014-Dec 2015)
Group Members
Current Members
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Alpana Sirohi |
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Chetan Agrawal |
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Tanay Kumar |
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Bapi Basak |
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Somanko Saha |
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Archana Naik |
Previous Members (Click here)
A complete list of my publications is available in INSPIRE. The CMS journal publications and detector performance summaries where I made direct personal contributions are summarized in the following.
Selected Publications- CMS HGCAL Collaboration, "Using graph neural networks to reconstruct charged pion showers in the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter", 2024 JINST 19 P11025, arXiv:2406.11937
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for new physics in multijet events with at least one photon and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV", JHEP 10 (2023) 046, arXiv:2307.16216
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for top squark pair production in a final state with one or two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s}=13 TeV", JHEP 07 (2023) 110, arXiv:2304.07174
- CMS HGCAL Collaboration, "Performance of the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter prototype to charged pion beams of 20-300 GeV/c", 2023 JINST 18 P08014, arxiv:2211.04740
- CMS HGCAL Collaboration, "Response of a CMS HGCAL silicon-pad electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to 20-300 GeV positrons", JINST 17 (2022) P05022, arxiv:2111.06855
- M. Guchait, A. Roy, S. Sharma, "Probing mild-tempered neutralino dark matter through top0-squark production at the LHC", Phys. Rev. D 104, 055032 (2021), arxiv:2103.09810
- CMS HGCAL Collaboration, "Construction and commissioning of CMS CE prototype silicon modules", JINST 16 (2021) T04002, arxiv:2012.06336
- CMS HGCAL Collaboration, "The DAQ system of the 12,000 Channel CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Prototype", JINST (2021) 16 T04001, arxiv:2012.03876
- S. Pandey, A. Labanov, S. Sharma, "Performance of CMS High Granularity Calorimeter prototypes in beam test experiments", JINST 15 (2020) C06028, doi link
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for top squark pair production in a final state with two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s}= 13 TeV (77/fb)", JHEP 02 (2020) 015, arxiv:1910.12932
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum (137/fb)", JHEP 10 (2019) 244, arxiv:1908.04722
- R. Godbole, M. Guchait, C. K. Khosa, J. Lahiri, S. Sharma, A. H. Vijay, "Boosted Top quark polarization", Phys. Rev. D 100, 056010 (2019), arxiv:1902.08096
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for supersymmetry in events with a photon, jets, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV", Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 444, arxiv:1901.06726
- CMS Collaboration, "Performance of missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV using the CMS detector", JINST 14 (2019) P07004, arxiv:1903.06078
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for supersymmetry in the multijet and missing transverse momentum channel in pp collisions at 13 TeV", Phys. Rev. D 96, 032003 (2017), arXiv:1704.07781
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for supersymmetry in the all-hadronic final state using top quark tagging in pp collisions at sqrt(s) =13 TeV", Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 012004, arXiv:1701.01954
- CMS Collaboration,"Search for supersymmetry in the multijet and missing transverse momentum channel in pp collisions at 13 TeV", Phys. Lett. B 758 (2016) 152, arXiv:1602.06581
- CMS Collaboration,"Searches for third generation squark production in fully hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV'', JHEP 1506 (2015) 116, arXiv:1503.08037
- CMS Collaboration, "Searches for supersymmetry based on events with b jets and four W bosons in pp collisions at 8 TeV, Phys. Lett. B 745 (2015) 5, arXiv:1412.4109
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for New Physics in Multijets and Missing Momentum Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV", JHEP 06 (2014) 055, arXiv:1402.4770
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for New Physics in the Multijets and Missing Transverse Energy in 7 TeV proton proton collisions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 171803, arXiv:1207.1898
- CMS Collaboration, "Search for New Physics with Jets and Missing Transverse Momentum in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV", JHEP 1108 (2011) 155, arXiv:1106.4503
- CMS Collaboration, "Determination of Jet Energy Calibration and Transverse Momentum Resolution in CMS", JINST 6 (2011) 11002, arXiv:1107.4277
- S. Abdullin et al. "The CMS barrel calorimeter response to particle beams from 2 to 350 GeV/c", Eur. Phys. J. C 60 (2009), 359-373
- S. Abdullin et al. "Design, performance, and calibration of the CMS Hadron-outer calorimeter", Eur.Phys.J. C57 (2008), 653-663
- S. Sharma, "Understanding the performance of CMS calorimeter", Pramana 69 (2007), 1069-1074
- CMS Collaboration, "π- energy reconstruction in HGCAL Beam Test prototype detector using Graph Neural Networks", CERN-CMS-DP-2022-022
- CMS Collaboration, "Calorimetry Task Force Report on Extraction of Single Particle Response", CMS DN-2012/002
- CMS Collaboration, "Comparison of Single Particle Response in Data and MC at 7 TeV", CMS DN-2012/001
- CMS Collaboration, "Single-Particle Response in the CMS Calorimeters", CMS-PAS-JME-10-008
- CMS Collaboration, "Jets in 0.9 and 2.36 TeV pp Collisions", CMS-PAS-JME-10-001
- S. Abdullin et al, "Calorimetry Task Force Report", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2010-007
- S. Abdullin et al, "Calorimetry Task Force Report", CMS-NOTE-2008-025
- S. Abdullin et al, "Design, performance, and calibration of CMS hadron endcap calorimeters", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2008-010
- S. Abdullin et al, "Energy Response and Longitudinal Shower Profiles Measured in CMS HCAL and Comparison With Geant4", CERN-CMS-NOTE-2006-143
- B.S. Acharya et al, "The CMS Outer Hadron Calorimeter", CMS NOTE-2006/127
- CMS HCAL Collaboration, "Design, Performance and Calibration of the CMS Forward Calorimeter Wedges", CMS-NOTE-2006-044
- Seema Sharma, "Probing elementary particles at the CMS experiment", Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (2023) 232:2797-2830
- P. Atmasiddha, S. Bien, S. Sharma, "MadAnalysis5: Implementation of CMS-SUS-14-001-TopTag", (2015), doi: 10.7484/INSPIREHEP.DATA.AL3X.K2SD, Validation Note
- S. Pandey, S. Sharma, "MadAnalysis5: Implementation of CMS-SUS-14-001 (monojet anaysis)", (2015), doi: 10.7484/INSPIREHEP.DATA.QGBP.K237, Validation Note
- S. Sharma et al, "Asymmetry in Nature - Discrete symmetries in particle physics and their violation", Resonance (2002)7:10
- S. Sharma et al, "How is Nature Assymetric - Discrete symmetries in particle physics and their violation", Resonance (2002) 7:45
Professional Service
- Co-organized CMS Workshop - Supersymmetry in LHC Run II, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Jun 13-15, 2018
- Organized 2nd Workshop of the Indo-French Network in High Energy Physics (LIA THEP and CEFIPRA INFRE-HEPNET), IISER, Pune, Feb 25-28, 2018
- Organized the first Joint Astro & Particle Physics meeting, IISER, Pune, Feb 24, 2018
- Member of national organizing committee for 25th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY17) , TIFR, Mumbai, Dec 11-14, 2017
- National contact for Indian participating teams for BEAMLINE FOR SCHOOLS competition powered by CERN, 2017-present
- Co-organized Candles of Darkness , Dark Matter and the Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model, ICTS, Bangalore, Jun 05-09, 2017
- Organized Hands-on Advanced Tutorial Sessions for MET at CMS, LPC/Fermilab, Jun 15, 2017.
- Co-organized CMS JetMET workshop: Physics at 100/fb at University of Helsinki, Helsinki, May 10-12, 2017
- Co-organized SUSY sessions for The Fifth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) , Shanghai, May 15-20, 2017
- Co-organized Jets@LHC Workshop at International Centre for Theoretical Science (ICTS), Bangalore, Jan 21-28, 2017
- Organized and convened BSM parallel sessios for 38th International Conference in High Energy Physics (ICHEP) , Chicago, Aug 03-10, 2016
- Member of CMS diversity study group, Jun 2016-Jun 2017
- Organizer for SM and BSM physics working group at Workshop in High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP) , IIT Kanpur, Dec 04-10, 2015
- Member of committee for internet infrastructure at IISER, Pune, Jun 2014-Nov 2017
- Statistical methods in HEP (Guest lecturer), SERC School, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, Jun 02-28, 2014
- Organized SUSY at the Near Energy Frontier workshop at Fermilab, Nov 11-13, 2013
- Member of Events Organising Committee at LHC Physics Centre (LPC), Fermilab, 2013-2014
- Instructor for all hadronic SUSY exercises in Data Analysis Schools at LPC, Fermilab in 2012 and 2013
- Jets object contact for CMS SUSY physics analysis group (Jan 2012 - Dec 2014)
Conference and Invited Talks
- Searches for BSM Higgses and Electroweakinos at the CMS Experiment Frontiers in Particle Physics, Centre for High Energy Physics, IISc, Bangaluru, Mar 10-12, 2023
- Detectors for HL-LHC & Future Colliders Horizons in Accelerators, Particle/Nuclear Physics and Laboratory-based Quantum Sensors for HEP/NP, ICTS, Bagaluru, Nov 14-17, 2022
- The CMS experiment - a missing momentum microscope! IPA Colloquium hosted by University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Mar 05, 2022 (YouTube)
- Standard Model-III (SM & BSM Physics - an experimental perspective), BCVSPIN-2021 School (Online): Probing the Mysteries of the Universe, Jan 12, 2022
- SUSY searches at the CMS Experiment, 6th Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics, Colombia, Nov 29-Dec 03, 2021
- Quest for New Physics at the LHC -- The Supersymmetric Paradigm --, Feb 17, 2021, University of Bristol, UK
- The CMS Experiment or a Missing Momentum Microscope ?, IISER-Pune Science Club Lecture, IISER, Pune, Oct 21, 2020
- Essential know-how for BSM Searches at CMS, IndiaCMS Lecture series, TIFR, Mumbai, Oct 7, 2020
- The CMS Experiment - Quest for fundamental constituents of the universe!, IndiaCMS highlights in the Inauguration session of Vigyan Samagam - Mega Science Exhibition, Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bengaluru, Jul 30, 2019
- The CMS Experiment seeing basic building blocks of our universe!, Vigyan Samagam - Mega Science Exhibition, Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai, May 18, 2019
- Seeking SUSY Dark Matter at the CMS Experiment , National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune, April 22, 2019
- From big data to fundamental constituents of universe ! Chasing new physics at the LHC - Higgs, Dark Matter & more , SCIENCE to the Doorsteps of TECHNOCRATS, Pune (India), November 15, 2018 (slides) (recording)
- SUSY Searches with jets and MET at CMS Experiment , Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY), Vienna (Austria), Jun 12, 2018
- CMS Status Report in LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC) Open Session, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), May 30, 2018
- Fundamental constituents of the universe around us, Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune (India), January 7, 2017
- Recent Physics Results from CMS Experiment (IndiaCMS Highlights), DAE-DST Task Force at BARC, Mumbai, Sep 02, 2016
- Searching for Supersymmetry in 13 TeV proton proton collisions at the LHC, Free Meson Seminar, TIFR, Mumbai, March 2016
- Searching Supersymmetry at the CMS experiment, HEP Seminar, Physics Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, April 03, 2014
- Review of Kinematic Variables used in SUSY Searches at CMS, Kinematic Variables for New Physics, Caltech (USA), Oct 4-6, 2013
- Search for SuperSymmetry with Jets & Missing Transverse Momentum at CMS, Physics Seminar, IISER, Pune (India), Jun 10, 2013
- Energy Frontier at the LHC : Review of New Physics Searches, Physics plenary at XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Marsielle (France), April 22-26, 2013, M
- Searching Supersymmetry with Jets & MET at CMS Experiment, HEP Seminar at Northwestern University, Evanston (USA), February 4, 2013
- Review of New Physics Searches at LHC, XX DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan (India), January 13-18, 2013 (India)
- Searches for SUSY in hadronic states at CMS, 19th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2011), Fermilab (USA), Aug 28-Sep 02, 2011
- Search for new physics with jets and MET at CMS, HEP seminar, TIFR (Mumbai), May 10, 2011
- Validation of Geant4 Physics Models with LHC Collision Data, Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging conference and RTDS workshop, Knoxville, TN (USA), Oct 30 - Nov 06, 2010
- Validation of Simulation of Hadronic Shower Simulation using LHC Collision Data, Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging conference and RTDS workshop, Knoxville, TN (USA), Oct 30 - Nov 06, 2010
- Performance of CMS Calorimeters in 2006 Test beam data, Experimental HEP Journal club, Northwestern University, Evanston (USA), April 2008
- Calibration of CMS Outer Hadron Calorimeter with Muons, DAE SYMPOSIUM of High Energy Physics, IIT, Kharagpur (India), December 11-16, 2006
- Hadron Energy Resolution with the CMS Calorimeter Prototype, DAE SYMPOSIUM of High Energy Physics, IIT, Kharagpur (India), December 11-16, 2006
- Understanding the Performance of CMS Calorimeter using TestBeam 2004 data, Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS06) IISc Bangalore (India), March 09-13, 2006
- Performance of CMS Calorimeter in TestBeam 2004, DAE SYMPOSIUM of High Energy Physics, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (India), Nov 29-Dec 3, 2004
Fellow, Awards and research grants
- Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences , elected in 2021 under the Physics section
- CMS LHC Physics Center (LPC) Distinguished Researcher (Senior) , 2017
- CMS LHC Physics Centre (LPC) Distinguished Researcher (Junior) , 2012 & 2013
- Qualified University Grants Commission (UGC) and Council of Scientic and Industrial Research (CSIR) award for Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) and eligibility for Lectureship in Physical Sciences in Indian universities and colleges (July 2001)
- Received TIFR Alumni Association Scholarship for career development supported by TIFR endowment fund (2002-2005)