Explanation of the 95 GeV γγ and bb¯ excesses in the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model
P.S.Bhupal Dev et al.
We propose a simple interpretation of the γγ excesses reported by both CMS and ATLAS groups at 95 GeV together with the LEP excess in the Zbb channel around the same mass in terms of a neutral scalar field in the minimal left-right symmetric model (LRSM). We point out that the scalar field which implements the seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses has all the right properties to explain these observations, without introducing any extra scalar fields. The diphoton decay mode receives contributions from both mixing with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs and the heavy charged bosons in the LRSM, depending on the SU(2)R×U(1)B−L symmetry breaking scale υR. The complete allowed parameter space for explaining the 95 GeV excesses in this model can be probed with the high-precision measurements of the SM Higgs mixing with other scalars at the high-luminosity LHC and future Higgs factories.