RSE production amplitude and possible evidence of a (pseudo)scalar boson
Eef van Beveren, George Rupp
Threshold enhancements predicted by the Resonance-Spectrum-Expansion (RSE) production amplitude and observed by the BaBaR Collaboration in open-bottom production above the BBbar threshold, as well as by several collaborations in open-charm production above the DDbar threshold, can also be seen in diphoton amplitudes at energies above 100 GeV. One such threshold effect is visible in tau-tau and muon-muon data of the L3 Collaboration at LeP, and in the diphoton and four-lepton data of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations at LHC, as it is enhanced by the nearby presence of the Higgs resonance. This supports the assumption of pair production at about 115 GeV. An accumulation of single-photon and dimuon data around 28 GeV observed by the L3 and the CMS Collaborations, respectively, give further credit to the hypothesis of the existence of a (pseudo)scalar boson with a mass of about 57 GeV.