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Collider Animation with Event-time-frame Format

Leyun Gao et al.

High Energy Physics processes, consist of hard scattering, parton shower, and hadronization, etc., occur at colliders around the world, for example, the Large Hadron Collider in Europe. The various steps are also components within corresponding Monte-Carlo simulations. They are usually considered occurring in an instant and displayed in MC simulations as intricate paths hard-coded with the HepMC format. We recently developed a framework to convert HEP event records into online 3D animations, aiming for visual Monte-Carlo studies and science popularization, where the most difficult parts are about designing event timeline and particles' movement. As a by-product, we propose here an event-time-frame format for animation data exchanging and persistence, which is potentially helpful to modelling the latent structure for relevant HEP Machine Learning projects. The code is maintained at this https URL and the web service is available at this https URL.