The High Quality QCD Axion and the LHC
Anson Hook, Soubhik Kumar, Zhen Liu, Raman Sundrum
The QCD axion provides an elegant solution to the Strong CP Problem. While the minimal realization is vulnerable to the so-called "Axion Quality Problem", we will consider a more robust realization in the presence of a mirror sector related to the Standard Model by a (softly broken) Z2 symmetry. We point out that the resulting "heavy" axion, while satisfying all theoretical and observational constraints, has a large and uncharted parameter space which allows it to be probed at the LHC as a Long-Lived Particle (LLP). The small defining axionic coupling to gluons results in a challenging hadronic decay signal which we argue can be distinguished against the background in such a long-lived regime, and yet, the same coupling allows for sufficient production at hadron colliders thanks to the large gluon parton luminosity. Our study opens up a new window towards accelerator observable axions, and more generally, singly produced LLPs.