Continuous Gravitational Waves and Magnetic Monopole Signatures from Single Neutron Stars
Future observations of continuous gravitational waves from single neutron stars, … , could also shed light on fundamental physics and exotic particle states. ... magnetic fields cause deformations of a neutron star, which results in a magnetic-field-induced quadrupole ellipticity. If the magnetic and rotation axes are different, this quadrupole ellipticity may generate continuous gravitational waves … and may be observable .... Light, milli-magnetic monopoles, if they exist, could be pair-produced non-perturbatively in the extreme magnetic fields of neutron stars, such as magnetars. This non-perturbative production furnishes a new, direct dissipative mechanism for the neutron star magnetic fields. Through their consequent effect on the magnetic-field-induced quadrupole ellipticity, they may then potentially leave imprints in the early stage continuous gravitational wave emissions. We ... taking a very simplified toy model of a magnetar as the prototypical system. Preliminary indications are that new-born millisecond magnetars could be promising candidates to look for such imprints. Deviations from conventional evolution, and comparatively abrupt features in the early stage gravitational waveforms, ..., could be distinguishable signatures for these exotic monopole states.
P.V.S. Pavan Chandra, Mrunal Korwar, Arun M. Thalapillil