Sourabh Dube

Professor of Physics

Main Building, Room # A362
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune, Maharashtra 411008, India
Phone: +91 (20) 2590 8146
Email: sdube AT






Spring 2025PH2233, Physics Lab 2webpage
Fall 2024PH4144, Physics Lab 5
Spring 2024PH1213, Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
Fall 2023TD1113, Introduction to Computing, with python
Spring 2023PH3264, Computational PhysicsPH6232, Machine Learning and Physics Applications
Fall 2022PH2113, Introductory Quantum MechanicsPH1123, Physics Lab 1
Spring 2022PHY422, Nuclear and Particle Physics
Fall 2021PH2113, Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2021TD1113, Introduction to Computing
Spring 2020PHY202, World of Physics: Quantum Mechanics
Fall 2019PH1123, Physics Lab 1
Spring 2019PHY121, the second semester physics lab course.
Fall 2018Teaching break
Spring 2018PHY121, the second semester physics lab course.
Fall 2017PHY201, World of Physics: E & M.
Spring 2017PHY434, the eighth semester physics lab course.
Fall 2016 PHY221, the third semester physics lab course.
Spring 2016 PHY422, Nuclear and Particle Physics 
Fall 2015 PHY221, the third semester physics lab course. 
Spring 2015 PHY202, World of Physics: Quantum Mechanics 
Fall 2014 PHY221, the third semester physics lab course. 
Spring 2014PHY202, World of Physics: Quantum Mechanics