MTH 328 -- Theory of Error Correcting Codes (Coding Theory)
Instructor: Krishna Kaipa
Office: 446 Academic Building
Office Hours: Walk in any weekday after 3 pm. It may also be convenient to ask questions by email (virtual office hours).
Phone: x8162
Timings: Lectures in LHC 304 on Mon 2-3 pm and Wed 9-10 am, Fri 4-5 pm.
Course Policy and information
- There will be an assignment roughly every 10 days.
- There will be four 50 minutes quizzes worth 30% weightage in total.
- Mid-term and final examination, carry 35% and 35% weightage respectively
- Textbooks:
Introduction to Coding Theory, by Ron Roth, Cambridge University Press.
Fundamentals of Error Correcting Codes, Cary Huffmann and Vera Pless, Cambridge University Press.
Introduction to Coding Theory, by Van Lint, Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics, third edition.
Some textbooks at elementary level are
Coding Theory: A First Course, by San Ling and Chaoping Xing, Cabrideg University Press.
A First Course in Coding Theory, by Raymond Hill, Oxford University Press.
Lecture Notes and Assignments