MTH 318 -- Combinatorics

Instructor: Krishna Kaipa
E-mail: kaipa at iiserpune dot ac dot in
Office: 446 Academic Building
Office Hours: Walk in any weekday after 3 pm. It may also be convenient to ask questions by email (virtual office hours).
Phone: x8162
Timings: Lectures in LHC 201 on Mon: 11-11:55 am, Wed: 11-11:55 am, and Thu 12-12:55 pm.

Course Policy and information

  1. There will be an assignment roughly every week. It will be uploaded by Thursday night and it will be discussed on Monday.
  2. There will be four 50 minutes quizzes with total weightage 30%.
  3. Weightage: 35% for Mid-term exam. 35% for Final examination. 30% for Quizzes.
    1. Main Textbook: Introductory Combinatorics, by Richard A. Brualdi, 5th Edition 2010 Pearson.
      Errata for this book: Errata for 5 edition. This book is on reserve in Library.

      Other reference books:
    2. Combinatorial Theory, by Marshall Hall. Edition 2, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
    3. A Walk Through Combinatorics: An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory, by Miklos Bona. Edition 4, World Scientific, 2017

Lecture Notes

