MTH 318 -- Combinatorics
Instructor: Krishna Kaipa
E-mail: kaipa at iiserpune dot ac dot in
Office: 446 Academic Building
Office Hours: Walk in any weekday after 3 pm. It may also be convenient to ask questions by email (virtual office hours).
Phone: x8162
Timings: Lectures in LHC 201 on Mon: 11-11:55 am, Wed: 11-11:55 am, and Thu 12-12:55 pm.
Course Policy and information
- There will be an assignment roughly every week. It will be uploaded by Thursday night and it will be discussed on Monday.
- There will be four 50 minutes quizzes with total weightage 30%.
- Weightage: 35% for Mid-term exam. 35% for Final examination. 30% for Quizzes.
- Main Textbook: Introductory Combinatorics, by Richard A. Brualdi, 5th Edition 2010 Pearson.
Errata for this book: Errata for 5 edition.
This book is on reserve in Library.
Other reference books:
- Combinatorial Theory, by Marshall Hall. Edition 2, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- A Walk Through Combinatorics: An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory, by Miklos Bona. Edition 4, World Scientific, 2017
Lecture Notes